March 10th-16th is officially UK Compost Week 2025, an annual initiative designed to raise awareness of the environmental benefits of composting, such as reducing the amount of waste that is sent to landfill, and encourage people to get out in their gardens and give composting a go for themselves.
As a company that is proud of its sustainable credentials, we're big fans of anything that helps create a healthier natural environment and UK Compost Week does exactly that by helping to educate the public on the importance of composting organic materials to create healthier soils and reduce landfill waste.
But what exactly does the coffee industry have to do with composting and how can you get involved in this important event? Let's take a look!
Coffee and Compost.
Did you know that you can compost and recycle coffee grounds?!
Normally, used coffee grounds are thrown in the bin, where they end up as landfill or in an incinerator, but you can give your latte a second life by using used coffee grounds to help composting. By adding some used grounds to your compost heap, you'll improve its structure and attract worms, which speed up the process by turning food scraps into compost.
Other environmentally-friendly uses for old grounds include using them to:
repel insects. Simply put the used grounds in a bowl outside and burn them like incense. The grounds are very potent and will drive pests away in no time.
make fertiliser. Sprinkling used grounds - which are packed with key nutrients - on the soil surrounding your plants will encourage them to grow quicker.
eliminate smells. A handful of used coffee grounds in your fridge will absorb food odours and ensure your meals taste like they should.
clean your pans. A couple of spoonfuls of used coffee grounds are abrasive enough to clean the dirtiest of pans - just apply the grounds to a cloth and get scrubbing! Remember to check a small area of the pan first to make sure the grounds don't stain the surface though.
At Cafe2U, we periodically let customers take our used grounds away for free and we also offer an innovative coffee grounds recycling initiative which sees waste coffee grounds being recycled into biofuel pellets to power biomass boilers, significantly reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.
We also offer compostable cups which can be composted or recycled, reducing waste and ensuring fewer items are sent to landfill!
Do your bit this Compost Week.
While all these ideas are good news for the environment, they will only be successful if people adopt them, so why not support the nation's composting efforts by picking up a compostable cup next time you visit your local Cafe2U van and, if you could use some, take some of our used grounds away with you. You'll be helping us help the planet!
Find your nearest Cafe2U van here.