Pancake Day 2023: How To Make Pancake Art

Tuesday, February 21st, is Pancake Day, a sacred day for most Brits who celebrate their love for the fluffy, round treats by eating as many of them as possible.

An incredibly versatile snack, pancakes can be enjoyed sweet or savoury, big or small, open or rolled up. They can form the basis of a meal or be served after dinner as a dessert. To cut a long story short, they're brilliant.

As the origins of Pancake Day (or Shrove Tuesday, to give it its rightful name) can be traced all the way back to the 15th century, surely we know everything there is to know about pancakes by now? Well, maybe not. For there exists a phenomenon known as pancake art, which is exactly what it sounds like - an art form that involves creating works of art out of pancakes.

If the opportunity to make super tasty pancakes while simultaneously unleashing your artistic potential in the kitchen sounds like your idea of a good time, read on for some of our favourite recipes that you can try at home!

Confetti pancakes

Bring colour to your pancakes with this simple yet fancy recipe. Matisse and Rothko would approve!


To make six pancakes, you will need:

  • 300g self-raising flour

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 1 tbsp caster sugar

  • 2 medium eggs

  • 1 tbsp maple syrup

  • 300ml milk

  • hundreds and thousands

  • vanilla ice cream

  • fresh fruit of your choosing 

Start by tipping the flour, baking powder, sugar and two teaspoons of hundreds and thousands into a large bowl with a small pinch of salt, then crack in the eggs and whisk until smooth. Add the maple syrup and milk while whisking.

Next, heat a splash of oil and a small knob of butter in a non-stick frying pan until sizzling. Add a spoonful of batter and cook until bubbles start to form on the surface, then flip and cook the other side. Serve with sliced fresh fruit and vanilla ice cream. If that's not colourful enough, add a sprinkle of hundreds and thousands as a final flourish!

Unicorn pancakes

Stepping the difficulty up a notch, this adorable design is tricky but worth it in the end!


To make six unicorn pancakes, you will need:

  • 300g self-raising flour

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 1 tbsp caster sugar

  • 2 medium eggs

  • 1 tbsp maple syrup

  • 300ml milk

  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder

  • hundreds and thousands

  • white chocolate stars

  • ice cream (optional)

  • fresh fruit (optional)

  • gel food colouring - 4 different colours is best

  • 3 piping bags

Start by tipping the flour, baking powder, sugar and two teaspoons of hundreds and thousands into a large bowl with a small pinch of salt, then crack in the eggs and whisk until smooth. Add the maple syrup and milk while whisking.

Next, divide the mixture into three bowls. Mix one tablespoon of cocoa powder into one batch and put in a piping bag.

Dip a skewer or clean paint brush into some food colouring and draw a line on the inside of another piping bag from bottom to top, repeating a few times with different colours (pink, blue, green and yellow work well). Fill the piping bag with a batch of the pancake mix to create a rainbow batter. 

Put the remaining mix into the third piping bag, then snip the ends of each bag to create small nozzles.

Put a little sunflower oil in the base of a non-stick frying pan then warm over a low heat. Pipe the outline of a unicorn head into the pan using the cocoa mixture. Fill in the horn with the multicoloured batter, then use it to draw the unicorn's hair. Fill in the gaps with the plain batter, then increase the heat slightly and cook until everything has set. Once set, use a palette knife to carefully turn the pancake over and cook for another minute until the batter is cooked through. 

To make extra 'unicorn-y', scatter hundreds and thousands and white chocolate stars over a plate before placing your pancake on top. Serve with ice cream and/or fresh fruit if using.

You can use this method to make pancakes in any shape you like - other good options include bumble bees, llamas or lions!

Initials pancakes

Personalise your pancakes by making some in the shape of everyone's first name!


To make six ‘initials pancakes’, you will need:

  • 300g self-raising flour

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 1 tbsp caster sugar

  • 2 medium eggs

  • 1 tbsp maple syrup

  • 300ml milk

  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder

Start by tipping the flour, baking powder and sugar into a large bowl with a small pinch of salt, then crack in the eggs and whisk until smooth. Add the maple syrup and milk while whisking.

Pour approx 75% of the mixture into one bowl and the remaining 25% into another. Mix one tablespoon of cocoa powder into the smaller batch and put in a piping bag. Fill another piping bag with the plain batter.

Next, lightly grease a non-stick pan, then pipe cocoa-flavoured batter into the shape of the first letter of your name. Remember to write it backwards, so it's the right way round when the pancake is flipped! 

Turn your hob to a low heat and allow the pancake to cook for a few moments, then completely cover it with plain pancake batter. When bubbles rise to the surface, flip the pancake over to cook on the other side until completely set.

Why not let Cafe2U provide the perfect accompaniment to your pancakes?

As much as we like pancakes (and we do, a lot!) we'd never let our love of doughy snacks stop us delivering top-quality coffee to wherever our customers need us most. Whether it's to your office or your doorstep, our mobile baristas will be out and about on Pancake Day as usual. Contact your nearest Cafe2U van here to find out more and arrange a delivery.