How To Make the Most of Your Christmas Leftovers

With Christmas here and sustainability higher than ever on our mission statement, we're using this blog to encourage everybody to reduce unnecessary waste this festive season.

One of the best and tastiest ways to do so is to ensure you're making the most of your Christmas dinner by reusing your leftovers to make more meals on Boxing Day and beyond. Here are some of our favourite Christmas leftover recipes -  after all, there's nothing like enjoying good grub with your lunchtime coffee!

Mega Christmas Sandwich

Perfect for those waking up on the 26th feeling a little delicate, the Mega Christmas Sandwich is as simple as it is filling. And the name alone tells you it's going to be good!

There's no preparation time or pre-cooking required for these bad boys, simply pile all the bits of leftovers that take your fancy between two slices of bread, find a spot on the sofa and you're all set. Any combination of meats, veggies, stuffing, cheeses, sauces and gravy work perfectly.

If you have any baguettes or loaves of bread lying around, these can also be utilised: either slice the baguette length ways to make an even bigger sandwich, or, if you're really, REALLY hungry, cut off ⅓ of the loaf of bread, hollow out a decent amount of the crumb (the fluffy, non-crust bit) and pack with leftovers. Pair with an espresso if you don't want to spend the rest of the afternoon asleep!

Turkey curry

In the UK, many of us regularly crave something spicy, so if you have any turkey left over from Christmas, this recipe is quick and easy to make and has your name written all over it.


To make a turkey curry for four, you will need:

  • sunflower oil

  • onion, finely chopped

  • 3 garlic cloves, crushed or finely grated

  • thumb-sized piece of ginger, peeled and finely grated

  • 1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped

  • 1 tsp cumin seeds

  • 1 tsp ground coriander

  • ½ tsp paprika

  • ½ tsp ground turmeric

  • ½ tsp garam masala

  • 1 tbsp tomato purée

  • 400g can passata or chopped tomatoes

  • 1 tbsp mango chutney

  • 100ml double cream

  • about 600g leftover roast turkey, cut into large chunks

  • chopped coriander, toasted flaked almonds, steamed rice and garlic naan breads, to serve

Begin by heating the oil in a casserole dish over a medium heat, then fry the onions for 10 mins or until golden. Add the garlic, ginger, chilli and all the spices and cook for 2 mins until the mixture looks like a paste. Stir in the tomato purée, passata/chopped tomatoes and mango chutney, bring to a simmer and cook for 10 mins.

Next, stir in most of the cream and return the mixture to a simmer. Add the turkey and keep simmering until the turkey is piping hot. Remove from the heat, pour in the remaining cream and stir. Top with the coriander and almond flakes and serve with the rice and naans. Eat in front of the pick of the movies on TV at that moment.

Cheeseboard mac and cheese

Cheeseboards are common around Christmas so, if you've got a load of odds and ends left over on Boxing Day, don't throw them away - stick them in a mac and cheese! This recipe is perfect for enjoying on a cold evening or over a coffee with friends at lunchtime.


To make a cheeseboard mac and cheese for four, you will need:

  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  • 2 leeks, finely sliced

  • 250g macaroni

  • 40g unsalted butter

  • 40g plain flour

  • ½ tsp English mustard powder

  • 650ml (1pt 2fl oz) milk

  • 4 tbsp white breadcrumbs

  • 150g of whatever cheese you have left

  • Any leftover ham 

First, heat the oil in a frying pan with a lid over a low heat. Add the leeks, cover and cook for 15 mins or until tender. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to gas 5, 190°C, fan 170°C, then bring a large pan of salted water to the boil and cook the macaroni for 10 mins until al dente. Drain and set aside. 

Next, make a roux by melting the butter in a pan, then adding the flour and stirring to make a paste. Cook, stirring continuously, for 2 mins, then add the mustard and gradually pour in the milk. Continue stirring until combined and smooth, slowly bring to the boil, then simmer for 4-5 mins, stirring regularly, until thickened. Add two-thirds of the cheese and stir to combine, then season with black pepper.

Pour the macaroni into a 1.5-2 litre ovenproof baking dish, add the leeks and any ham, then pour over the sauce. Mix well. Mix the remaining cheese with the breadcrumbs and scatter over the top. Bake in the oven for 20-25 mins until bubbling around the edges and serve immediately.

Merry Christmas from everyone at Cafe2U!

These recipes only skim the surface of what is possible when cooking with leftovers so don't be afraid to experiment with your meals in the days after Christmas this year. 

Our mobile baristas will be out and about as usual over the coming weeks, so you can still get in touch with your local van if you'd like some top quality coffee delivered to your door to help ease you through the morning after the night before.